Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good Week

Have a good week, everyone. I'm taking an end-of summer break. No blogging... just friends and the next chapter of my WIP.


  1. We all need blogging breaks, I hope you enjoy yours. We will all be waiting for you when you return :)

  2. Have a great break - good luck on that chapter!

  3. See--you have too much class for me. Telling everyone that you are having a break, instead of just not posting for two weeks. Nice work. SEE you soon!

  4. So when you come back Robert, just to get you in the groove, I have an award for you on my blog - you'll have to find it - I'll post about 10 Sept.

    Hope your WIP went extremely well as did your break..:)

  5. I hope you enjoyed your end of summer break!

  6. Hope you enjoyed your break, Robert!

  7. Thanks, everyone, for the good wishes. Was a great vaca. (Kinda still on it, but I'm circling back.) Thank you, too, L'Aussie for the award! How cool is it that our writing community is so global.
