Friday, November 5, 2010

Thank You Writers!

Here's a short post in celebration of everyone doing Nanowrimo. What a resource. What a great way to work. I caught some of the Nanowrimo fever this week, but in a different direction. Instead of officially joining, I started and finished a project (hence almost no blogging) that's already off to a reader. I'm waiting to hear if he thinks it's worth pursing.

Here's to everyone doing Nanowrimo. Keep on keeping on! Every one of you is an inspiration. We're catching the waves of writing even on the outside.


  1. Here's to hoping your reader loves it!

  2. It is great to see so many writers with such enthusiasm.

    Good luck with that project your reader is looking at!


  3. Trying to particpate in Nonowrimo isn't a possibility for me this year but next year (when I don't have that pesky 8-5 job to work around), I really want to give it a try. Have your ever officialy 'joined in'? How did you do?

  4. Totally love the energy of NaNo. Maybe next year I'll have the timing right to offically join in.

  5. Thanks for the celebration post. Cool about you project.

  6. I second the notion: Go NaNo writers! I signed up, but I'm just watching from the sidelines. It's interesting. Have a great week!

  7. Go NaNoers! I did it last year, but unfortunately it isn't doable this November. I'm still writing, though. Good luck with your project!

  8. Hope you get some excellent feedback from your reader! Glad you're catching on the excitement in your own way. Enjoyed your post.

  9. I was just wondering what rock you were under, when I realized that you had posted a blog post that I had missed. I looked up and found that it was ME under a rock. LOL It's all a matter of perspective. I'm excited about this new idea--I think it has a ton of merit.

  10. Hi Robert - Just found your blog and joined today. Good luck to everyone doing NaNo. Happy Writing :-)
