About the time thing... finding time to write... living the lives we need to live... taking care of responsibilities... I don't want to go to scarcity thinking. No matter what we're doing, our time here is limited. We know that.
I have faith that the newish job is the right thing for me right now, and I'm wondering if having less time to write might also be the right thing for my writing.
The main character of the WIP has been surprising me. He's been louder, more direct and changing in ways I hadn't envisioned. For me, right now, I'm wondering if he's growing, morphing, rounding out, becoming a better, fuller character because I'm spending less time on him. Jeb has more space to grow.
We'll see how this goes. For right now, I'm enjoying the surprises.
How about you – do ever have a sense that some of the best time for developing a character is time away from writing?
(view from home... space...)
18 hours ago